One of the most interesting and rewarding aspects of being a school administrator is being involved in so many different aspects of the school. As a fellow administrator put it: “Being a school administrator is like being in a meteor shower.”
When I first became a school principal I was introduced to David Allen's book, Getting Things Done. This book was brimming with insights and completely transformed the way I viewed the many components of personal organization. GTD, as it is known, is a system that helps you master productivity and workflow. The system was not specifically designed for school administrators, but the lessons and wisdom could not be more relevant.
I feel that Getting Things Done
is a must read for all administrators. This book has acted as a guide
to me both professionally and personally. Here is a link to a video of
David Allen speaking at Google a few years ago—YouTube - David Allen @ Google 2007. This is a wonderful introduction to his work.
Allen's other book Making It All Work is also an essential resource. I have participated in webinars offered at and listened to many of David Allen’s podcasts available on iTunes.